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Ben Affleck Not Accept When insulted Islam

Renowned Hollywood actor Ben Aflleck, upset when he joined the discussion on the ideology of jihadism for Muslims, in a television show titled "HBO's Real Time With Bill Maher."
The handsome actor was fired up, when the host, Bill Maher, declared adherents can be likened to a mafia organization.
In addition to Maher, the author also guest star in the show which was held on Friday (03/10/2014), Sam Harris, also throws a controversial statement that Islam is the source of all bad idea.
Although not a Muslim, a statement that Maher and Harris made ​​the Oscar-winning actor went ballistic.
"You said a bad thing. Was dirty and racist. Was the same as you say the Jewish cunning," cecarnya.
Conversations in the show heats up when Harris, who promotes his book "Waking Up", saying liberals failed to deconstruct the discourse of Islamic theocracy.
"Every criticizing Islam, always branded as Islamophobic. Was ridiculous," pointing Harris.
Hearing this, Ben responds by saying, "Do you people understand Islam codified official doctrine." Harris then said, "I was really educated in this regard before (Ben) Affleck."
Maher, host of the event which is also known as a satirist and an atheist, then replied "we should be able to criticize bad ideas and Islam is the 'mother' of all bad ideas," tudingnya.
Maher's statement, referring to the poor protection of the rights of women in Islamic countries. "Every time that criticizes Islam, they will be hunted. So Muslims as members of the Mafia organization," he added.
Suddenly, a statement that Harris and Maher Ben raised tension anger. Half shouted, actor movie "Batman vs. Superman" affirmed, "The majority of Muslims are not the same as ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria)," he added.
"A lot of Muslims who reject the ISIS. A lot of them do not torture women, and eat bread as the bread you eat!" Ben said half shouted.
"You have to count the billions of Muslims are not fanatical blind! Your statement is unfair," he said.
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